Tuesday, 24 January 2012

iphone jail break for ios5

Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 4S Will Also Support iOS 5; Hopefully Even For iPad 2 [Updated] 

As we get closer to the imminent release of the untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2, we're getting more information about it from thejailbreak "Dream Team".
Yesterday, pod2g published a video of a successfully jailbroken iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0.1 and indicated that we've to wait for few more days for the untethered jailbreak to be publicly available.
MuscleNerd has just revealed that in addition to support for iOS 5.0.1 the untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S will support iOS 5 as well. He hasn't confirmed if it will support iOS 5 for iPad 2 users, but he hopes it will.
5.0 will be supported for at least the 4S, hopefully iPad2 (it matters more on 4S, due to potential BB-related issues)
Last week, pod2g had advised users to upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 and take a backup of SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella for Mac/Windows, but there was some confusion if unlockers should upgrade or not. So few days back MuscleNerd clarified that users who were interested in unlocking their iPhone 4S using a software method should avoid upgrading to iOS 5.0.1 and stay on iOS 5. However, he didn't mention if the untehtered jailbreak will also support iOS 5. With today's tweet from MuscleNerd, there is a lot more clarity.
We're not sure if the jailbreak "Dream Team" have made any breakthroughs in jailbreaking the new basebands.
Please note that the untethered jailbreak will support iOS 5.0.1. Today's post was meant for iPhone 4S users who want to unlock their phones but have been advised by the jailbreak Dream team to stay put at iOS 5.  It looks like the confusion was caused by the title of the post, we have changed it to avoid the confusion. Sorry about that.
We’ll let you know if there are any further updates so stay tuned here at iPhone Hacks or join our Facebook Fan page or follow us on Twitter or add us on Google+ or subscribe to our RSS feed.

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